Welcome to CDwORLD!
Hey! Welcome to the CDwORLD micro-site, a clique for lovers of music on discs and pixel art. Feel free to browse our catalogue. I hope everyone here will be able to have a good time making art, sharing music, and finding new favourites. If you love CDs, pixel art, or have a favourite artist you want to share with the world, please come and join our clique!
Last updated [01/12/2024] by Finny.
I have been adding and editing info pretty sporadically this month and will continue until the end of December. Starting next year (on the first Sunday which will be Jan 5), I will update the clique every two weeks. Thanks everyone who has been patient with me!
posted by Finny on [15/12/24].
:: go to news archives.
Featured Mixtape
Key's Non-English Faves Mix [2023] by Various Artists.
More: A specifically non-English mix? What gems could it hold? The case seems to have been stepped on but the cd survived!
released by CooperationIsKey.
Featured Album
Division Bell [1994] by Pink Floyd.
More: An often underrated "sequel" of sorts to the Pink Floyd album often considered the greatest-of-all-time, The Wall. It largely continues the atmosphere from The Wall, but in a decidedly more Gilmour-focused way. Worth a listen... after Dark Side Of The Moon, The Wall, and Animals. ;P
released by Lian.