"coolest idea ever, the art is so pretty" - cyberspacegirl

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Coming soon...

Welcome to CDwORLD!

Hey! Welcome to the CDwORLD micro-site, a clique for lovers of music on discs and pixel art. Feel free to browse our catalogue. I hope everyone here will be able to have a good time making art, sharing music, and finding new favourites. If you love CDs, pixel art, or have a favourite artist you want to share with the world, please come and join our clique!

Last updated [16/03/2025] by Finny.

Next update: [30/03/2025].


Summer is... not soon at all! But I'm getting ready for a fun new feature of the CDwORLD clique: a zine! In June, CDwORLD will have it's first issue of CDwORLD inprint and you should be a part of it. Complete the form and get featured in the zine and take part in the creation of a collaborative CD mix tape. See you there!

posted by Finny on [26/03/25].

:: go to news archives.

Featured Mixtape

For J [2025] by Various Artists.

More: Link.

released by Alpha Carinae.

Featured Album

HIGH TO LOW ELECTRO [2008] by Metronome.

More: A fantastic album from legendary Visual Kei band Metronome. If you listen to a single album from any picopico band, let it be by Metronome. Digital-rock greatness.

released by Mousecky.