>> contact page: hello? is anybody there? *
Like many of you on the indie web, I also created my site as a refuge from regular social media. I'm happy to say that I'm no longer active anywhere outside this site, my blogs, and some forums. It's a time for more meaningful connections! Not really a manifesto, but a small essay on the modern web and it's pitfalls I wrote can be found by clicking the button below.

What am I going to be doing? Check out my calendar for a peak at my future plans.
There are no plans to make a mobile version of the site though it is still viewable via phone. I'm distancing myself from smartphones in general.
In the words of Paintkiller; fuck your phone, view on computer.
Hey, if you want to contact me directly, you can grab my email and leave me a message there, I will most likely take a while to respond but won't leave you hanging:
Site stuff: thehumanfinny[at]proton.me
Fanlistings stuff: sojournerelectric[at]proton.me
CDwORLD stuff: cdworldclub[at]protonmail.com