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BuryPink's questionnaire

0) the dossier

What's this? Old-school internet questionnaire? Ever since I was a child, I loved bothering people with annoying questions (but I really also liked answering them). To my great excitement, Burypink has created and shared a very fun list of questions. Also check out what Amy and hat had to say about this.

1) time and date u started this?

14th january 2025, 4pm 12 minutes.

2) asl?

25, f, france.

3) opinions on musicals?

I dislike them. Singing about your feelings to each other feels fake.

4) favorite snack?

anything and some cheese.

5) have u ever been in love?


6) favorite pokemon?

which one looks like a cat? that one.

7) mario kart main?


8) tf2 main?

northstar + grapple. ah, the other one? i didnt play much but scout.

9) do you laugh at youtube poops?

I'm not above it.

10) are you listening to music right now?

yes, sundays best. the other emo sunday band. one day we may have enough emo bands for every day of the week.

11) favorite shape?

does the heart shape count?

12) do you believe in astrology?

I like the idea of astrology but I can't force myself to believe it.

13) do you believe in the occult?

no. would be pretty sick tho, eh?

14) opinions on vocaloid?

no opinion. not really for me.

15) would you ever want to be a rockstar?

duh. my inability to sing is all that's holding me back. and not knowing any instruments. and being bad at the drug. and...

16) do you easily get stressed?

I'm stressed right now.

17) what is/was your favorite class in high school?


18) what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol

I have to look this up...okay, I'm back. I don't know what fairy does but I love fairies so I'm saying fairy.

19) rei or asuka?

neither. with a gun to my head... rei.

20) favorite html tag?

you know it already, hit me with the <br>.

21) are you religious?


22) opinions on nightcore?

it's a bit annoying but I'm not a hater.

23) did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)

I was a thing that shall not be named. it was the indie sleaze era, okay?!

24) are you good at drawing?

no lol.

25) do you crack your joints?

fuck yeah i do. watch this!!

26) do you read visual novels?

yes, I even like the really bad ones that have a lot of heart.

27) can you sew?

sure but it ain't gonna be good.

28) can you cook?

yeah, otherwise I would have died in a dorm at uni.

29) most expensive thing you've bought?


30) opinions on cosplay?

I think it's fun but so expensive.

31) what's your most hated band/musician?

I know I'm basically committing suicide, but Taylor Swift. she's a mediocre lyricist.

32) are you a dramatic person?

yeah but on the inside only.

33) what emoticon do you use most?

<3 or :D.

34) can a miracle certainly occur?

sure, but it's not a miracle, just luck.

35) would you let a vampire suck ur blood?

is the vampire a good person?

36) do you have a celebrity crush?

sam rockwell maybe.

37) do you like snow?

I looooove snow.

38) were you really into greek mythology as a kid?

yeah but only mildly.

39) what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?

why it's bullshit that Disney cancelled Motorcity and what they can do to fix that.

40) are you good at spelling?

o yea, babie.

41) which touhou wud u fuk?

I don't know what that is but probably none.

42) do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?

I want the robots to take me out quick.


yes, we need it to stop. too much science isn't about improving lives right now, we need to go back to that.

44) would you be an angel or devil?

I can be your angle….or yuor devil.

45) sine, cosine, or tangent?

tangent, cuz I'm about to go on one...

46) do you like licorice?

yeah, i do. i think, at least internally, it was harder for me to admit to myself that i like licorice than that i was queer.

47) whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?

I literally hate kaguya-sama so much, it's so uninteresting.

48) what books did you like as a kid?

warriors, the assassin's creed books, the wondLa trilogy, Ulf Stark's books.

49) can you play any instruments?

I used to play the trumpet in high school and the bass guitar. haven't touched either for the last 5 years.

50) what song would you want to play at your wedding?

ha. ha. leave me alone by FIDLAR? Sudden Change by 32 Leaves?

51) do you believe in reincarnation?

no, but only because I don't want to. constantly coming back to this forsaken shithole? no thank you.

52) finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______

will still be here tomorrow. I don't have much going for me but consistency (more like being stuck in the same place forever). So, I'll see you tomorrow.

53) have you been to another continent?

Only the two: Asia and Europe. But I've been to quite a few countries.

54) whats your worst habit?

Im so damn lazy. I find it so hard to start stuff or get into routine. And I drink so much coffee.

55) favorite vegetable?

Fuck, I love most of them... gun to the head? The broc.

56) whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?

2012. Yes, the year. I thought the world would end. Then it didnt. But then someone told me Planet X would kill us. I had a lot of bizzare fears.

57) whats one of your guilty pleasures?

I thought I'd have a weirder pick but I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to guilty pleasures, reality TV shows in the vein of America's Next Top Model.

58) would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?

Damn... probably a ghost. Wait... I'm stuck here for hundreds or year either way huh? Honestly I just want to go though walls.

59) what do you fear most?

People. The bank. People who work at the bank.

60) do you sleep with any plushies?

I don't but just because I have cats who are there instead.

61) what hobby do you just not understand?

Spelunking, cave diving, waiting for the worst death imaginable. Whatever you wanna call it.

62) do you like the taste of alcohol?

I like some ciders but otherwise no. I am drinking this entire bottle because I want to get fucked up, Deborah, we are not the same.

63) are you a hopeless romantic?

Just hopeless.

64) which deadly sin best fits you?

Sloth. I don't even get the cool sin. Not even good at sinning.

65) which of your physical features do you like the most?

I have a pretty okay shoulder if I do say so myself.

66) are your ears pierced?

They are but Imma keep going.

67) have you ever been in a physical fight?

Not since middle school when I decided to become a feminist and some boy beat my ass (It wasn't that bad). Mistake.

68) where do you buy your clothes?

At the thrift store.

69) where would you live if you could live anywhere?

Near a beach, but not too near. The Scottish coast maybe.

70) do believe in magic? or is it all a trick?

Everything is a trick. At least magicians are honest.

71) have you read umineko when they cry? you should!

I haven't but I'll try to find some time to.

72) what is the worst chore to do?

The dishes. I'd rather mop for a week straight.

73) what did your parents almost name you?

Emile, which would have been fucking awesome.

74) what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?

No idea why but I am obssessed with the name Simon.

75) what were your first words?

Probably something stupid because infants are literally so dumb.

76) what do you want your last words to be?

"Last words this, last words that. Can't you let an old bastard die in peace?".

77) when did you first regularly start going online?

Probably 2008/2009. The time of 51Mole, early YouTube, and Gtalk.

78) what year do you miss the most?

Something like 2013/2014 maybe, they were great years in my life and for games and stuff.

79) are you psychic?

Depends. Is this your card? Look behind you! ...Yeah, there's nothing there!...heh...

80) would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.

Before I would have said yes but I don't think I would even have the energy anymore...

81) what do you use to listen to music?

My flipphone, or my CD player, or or foobar.

82) whats the biggest city you've been to?

Population wise? Beijing, Guangzhou, or Istanbul.

83) favorite animal?

Cat! cat! cat!

84) what web browser do you use?

Firefox 4eva.

85) are you allergic to kitty cats???????????

Luckily no! But also if I was, I would simply die surrounded by cats.

86) do you like energy drinks?

Not really.

87) would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc


88) when do you usually go to bed?

Just 2 weeks ago I was doing super well and going to bed at 10PM! Now I can't fall asleep before 3AM, I hate it.

89) how often do you wash your hair?

Every 3 or 4 days.

90) would you download a car?

I would download a car and then I would seed it to my friends, to strangers, to everyone in the world!

91) what was your favorite show as a kid?

Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.

92) whats the silliest hat you own?

I have an ushanka that's silver/chrome. Y2K-USSR. Does it get sillier?

93) what album/song do you're feeling angsty

Anything Jason Molina has ever done. It doesn't exactly help but it's like there's a person who knows exactly what's wrong with me.

94) do you make OCs?

I do but I don't usually call them OCs unless they are for an existing franchise.

95) whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?

Just talk to myself. Full conversations with genuine reactions as if I'm somehow getting new surprising information.

96) do you like fireworks?

Yes. Kapow.

97) favorite painter?

Painter-painter? Like a old timey painter? Sorolla or Leyendecker.

98) favorite numbers?

7. And 420. I have a mature sense of humour.

99) what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)

Probably none but I play shooters the most so that I guess but I'm sure some squeaky Gen Alpha with lightning reflexes would obliterate me.

100) time and date you finished this?

06/02/2025, 22:11. Yeah, I took... a while to finish this.